Sunday, June 1, 2014

The New Media

I haven't written a post in a long time. Since my last posts my PR business has gotten so successful so I decided to focus my efforts on making money and doing something I love just as much as finding characters, making sizzles and pitching. 

To be honest, after putting together my latest sizzle "Behind the Bit" we decided that we would start our own online network. So we are in the process of laying the ground work for this online network. The TV industry has changed dramatically and if you aren't currently producing on a show, it's really hard to sell. Wait, it's really hard to sell anything in general.  

I'm sick of "maybe's" and "were discussing internally" which always means no or they have something too similar. So, I'm entering the world of online TV. My own. I'll keep you posted as we progress but in the mean time happy creating!

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